Choose a quality oil separator: choose Max the oil separator!
We want to offer a quality oil separator that lasts. That’s why we personally follow our costumers form the choice of their device to the after-sales service.
Irene Ferrari | Sales Dpt.
The MAX Oil separators are very easy to install and to use.Cheap
The MAX Oil separators help you to reduce waste disposal costs.Made in Italy
The MAX oil separators are built in our headquarter in Mozzanica (BG).Universal
The MAX oil separators can be installed on each industrial tank.Max the oil separator is perfect to clean tank of:
Machine tools
Classic emulsions water/oil with ambient temperature.
Industrial washing and treatment system
Baths with aggressive PH and high temperature.
Regenerate your emulsion. Buy an oil separator!
About us
We personally plan each oil separator and we are at your disposal to design and produce system on demand with specific dimension and characteristics to meet your needs.
Thanks to an agents and resellers network, today our oil separators are available in Italy, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Czech Rep.
We supply all spare parts needed fort the right running of the oil separator and we offer a fast and precise after sales service in our headquarter.