About us

Producers of standard and customised oil separators for over 10 years

Our mechanical workshop was established in 1977, specialising in precision machining based on the customer’s design. We mainly work molten and die-cast parts in non-ferrous metals using cutting machine tools, and, like every mechanical workshop, every day we must face the difficult problem of recovering the emulsions.

In 2004, we decided to put an end to the wastage of emulsifiable oils and cutting fluids in our company, by developing our first belt oil separator, the MAX Band.

The MAX Band oil separator, which over the years has become our best-seller oil skimmer, separate oils and slags from emulsions, regenerating them. This process offers great advantages from an environmental point of view, it slows down wear of the machine tools, it improves the worked items quality and, in the long period, it also grants a really economy in the oil emulsions removal.


The great success of the MAX Band oil separator strengthened our belief that today, more than ever, mechanical workshops require small, handy, economic devices to solve the problem of emulsions. It is for this reason that over the years we have expanded our offer, which currently includes belt oil separators, disc oil separators, floating tube oil separators as well as customised oil separators and oil separation systems, which recover the emulsions from all types of tank.

Do you also have to solve the problem of oils and slags into working baths?

Visit the MAX lines section to discover the most suitable oil separator for your needs, or contact our sales dept. at +39 0363 82448 to evaluate an ad hoc solution for your workshop together with our technicians.

Our certifications

UNI EN ISO 9001 cert. nr. 1992

Download our quality policy

politica qualità

Our strong points

We personally plan each oil separator and we are at your disposal to design and produce system on demand with specific dimension and characteristics to meet your needs.
Thanks to an agents and resellers network, today our oil separators are available in Italy, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Czech Rep.
We supply all spare parts needed fort the right running of the oil separator and we offer a fast and precise after sales service in our headquarter.

To find out about our mechanical workshop and our offer for cutting tools, visit our institutional website  www.effecimeccanica.com